Course 6 : Surgical Techniques, TADS and Practice Management

This course is set out in three easy reference modules. The course outcomes include:

  • Surgical Techniques in DFO Treatment
  • Exposing Canines
  • Exposing buried Omega Loops
  • Labial and Lingual Frenectomies
  • Identifying when to use Surgical techniques
  • Tools for Surgical Techniques
  • TADS and identifying how and where to place effectively
  • DFO in your Practice Management
  • Putting it all Together

Course 6 : Surgical Techniques, TADS and Practice Management

Course 6 in the DFO series is divided up into three modules.

Module 1 : Surgical Techniques and TADS

Module 2 : Practice Management

Module 3 : Putting it all Together

Course 6 : Module 1

Surgical Techniques and TADS

This module will provide clear insight practical tips when surgical techniques are required. We will review the specific tools you will require. TADS will be explained, including how and where to place them to progress your DFO case.

Course 6 : Module 2

Practice Management

This module highlights the integration of DFO into your Practice Management, the benefit of DFO patient packs and how to set fees and incorporate deposits and direct debit systems throughout the course of the treatment.

Course 6 : Module 3

Puttlng it all Together

This module will provide you with a brief summary of all you have learned and how to put it all together, so you can effectively integrate DFO into your practice -whether you are an associate or practice owner. Example cases will be shown and discussed.

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