The Dento-Facial Orthopaedic courses have been designed specifically for dentists and orthodontists who want to extend their skill set and start treatment plans immediately with confidence.

Dentists and Orthodontists across the world have benefitted from integrating the Dento-Facial Orthopaedic ethos into their clinical practice. Imagine telling a parent that instead of extracting healthy teeth, you can gently, over time, develop their child's dental arches to achieve a beautiful, broad smile?

Stefan Cloete

BChD MClinDent Prosthodontics, CFOO Master Practitioner

My journey with Dento-Facial Orthopaedics began in 2008, when a patient in my chair arrived with serious overcrowding and skeletal imbalance. She had already received three opposing treatment plans and arrived at my Practice understandably confused. Her parents were confused. I was confused. I felt that something should be done, but recognised that I simply did not have the expertise to treat her.

This was incredibly frustrating as I was certain the treatment plans presented would cause further problems – but I did not have the solution. This patient had already undergone multiple extractions and there were further in her plan that would have reduced the amount of healthy teeth in her already under-developed maxilla. Her smile had plentiful gaps and there were impacted teeth due to be removed surgically. That was the precise moment when I felt it necessary to research options and admit that my own limitations would be passed on to this child if I did not expand my own knowledge and experience.

I eventually discovered the Clinical Foundation for Orthopaedic and Orthodontics (CFOO) and embarked upon a decade of academic study and supervision. I documented my cases from the outset of my journey and continue with this tradition today, taking clinical photos from the first discussion appointment, right through to the finished case and beyond. Thousands of completed cases later, I have joined Dr. Skip Truitt in passing on the tenets of the Orthopaedic ethos and have embarked upon training and webinars to support other dentists and orthodontists, so you too can offer choices that were not previously available.